Yesterday was not a very good day. i went school but since i havent got my student card the sch didnt confirm my enrollment and thus i wasnt allocated a class. but turns out its not such a bad thing after all cos i anyhow find a class to join then i arrived late at this class tgt with a v.pretty girl called lynn. no,not u zx!! and the reason im late is really stupid. the sch started at 9 and the teacher emailed all of us at 7 to tell us A3 paper is needed! c'mon this is so obviously they wan to make $ la. cos really all flocked the bookstore to buy A3 drawing blocks at a bloody ex price of like $7 for 20+!! @#^$%*&^$&! today oso..
old lecturer: ok ppl, u all need to prepare 3 diff pieces of paper by the next tutorial which is eh.. 15min later.. kekeke.. oh.. the sch bookshop sells them..
Another $2.5 cheated..
Then we were told we no need any textbooks but the lecturer just introduced a suddenly 'compulsory' textbook and dozens of notes and stuff. the txtbk is $110. needless to say, he points the way with a wide grin at the bookshop.
Ta ma de.. cheat $ leh.. ok back to lynn, oh i mean my class.. so we started the lesson by drawing each other... kekekekekeke.. and thru the convo she said that she's from msia(another msian.....) and dun speak much chinese(another non-chinese speaking chinese) and had been here for 1yr. she's really nice to talk to la but our tutor sucks.. he speaks v.softly, like Mmmmmm..mmmm..mMmm!! then u have to ask him close-up afterwards then only can hear.. and i was not-so-surprisedly told that we will be taught drawing 4 only 1week and then we r on our own.. the reason im not so easily surprised is that the uni itself is a wonder! u got see sch everyday fair and have concert one?? so heres the deal, we r in architecture which requires drawing and photoshoping alot but we r only taught this 2 in 1week. sounds really moralizing =)
But then agn since every1 b4 us had done it y cant we right? the tutorial today anther joke. the teacher came in selfintro then gave a email then i hear till j.staughtin, then i turn to my right, liushuai wrote j.staughtOn, i turned to my left, ben wrote j.staughtaurn. i made up my mind not to ever email the teacher..and oh.. liushuai is from tianjin oso!!! we can form a 2-men strong TJ-gang liao. yay.. and so we spent 3hrs studying the concept of 'surface'. i still dunno what the hell it is.. and oso we made numerous paper models that must exhibit the 'surface' side. more ??s, and the instruction says u must crease,fault-line,fold,tactile,sheet,tessellation,texture,boundary,nomad,and mobius-strip the paper. hai... i and liushuai had a fun time learning new eng vocab instead.
I oso find it bloody funny when ppl call me Edmond. hahah.. so not used to it. and the angmohs all say surface as ser-fers. sounds like surfers. then imagine the lecturer said smth like 'a surfers can be flat or round and u cant move through them!' @_@ today lynn said, "edmond,wan go have lunch?" i laughed like a jackass.
And lastly i reached home only at 9pm today!! since 11 since i misread the timetable's 1pm as 11. heng i met david who have it gd. he yr2 11dismiss liao. i 6.15 then end. damnit.
sch start
Not posted by Shiyi around 2:34 AM
wasted day
Wasted a day in school today. Apparently 1st week only need attend lecture so today actually no need go one. then i wan make student card 1st found out i nv bring enrollment confirmation slip. heng the girl say give student no. can liao then she asked 4 the tuition fee receipt. then --------______--------.. nv bring that one too. AHHHHHHHHH.. wasted $6.10.
After that go harvery norman return them the digital tuner crap and got back full refund! hoho.. this is a gd ctry. u dun like anything can just return to the shop and they must give u refund of some sorts.
I oso realised that none of my uni frens speaks chinese. these days, chinese kids aint speaking chinese anymore and no one can take life slowly anymore.. hai.. tml have lecture. im prepared to see ppl tearing one another's clothes and biting each other's head to get the best view liao.. u see how many ppl bring recorders of sorts lo.. its an 'ipod' lecture hall. can record from the com after the whole lec.
Anyway embeded a song. hoho see weiting! this one better hor? does it load on ur com?
Not posted by Shiyi around 3:00 AM
orientation end
Today marks the end of orientation. not that its much of a big deal.
So everyday is basically go sch, listen to endless talks abt endless things, walk arnd with david and sometimes shiemin, get goodie bags IF they r free, rant abt the ridiculously lousy and ex canteen food and finding suitable CCAs. And today im cheated leh. their advertisement says $3 for 1hotdog,2donuts,and a free 600ml coke. sounds like hellva good deal la then when i pay ... its $7!!! then i #@!%$@$*^%#& there write $3 leh, the waitress smiled and said its $3 MORE to get the 2donuts and drink. wah i resee, kao.. the 'more' word is so subtle every1 would miss it.
And im gg to join Taiji quan! woohoo. gg 4 the 1st lesson next wed. glad that its free but subsequently its $90 per 24lessons. cheaper than the rest but still scary price. fencing's cool and nice but its $110 and ends at 9. if i live at hostel then gd lo. cos 6am can go pool swim, then at night go fencing at 9 then go com lab play lan thru the night.. keke.. cos 24-hr access to computer labs mah.. but day dream only la, i live 1.5hrs away from sch!! bloody slow tram, take train only need 50min but more troublesome.
The school think they v.cute oso. many confusing and potentially insulting rules.
Like 4eg, u need to enroll to use e coms, but u need the com to enroll.
Another is u need to enroll to see the timetable, but we only got to enroll today and the coms need to process it out only on monday. heng monday no sch and our faculty head, miss 'invhearhername', got print 4 us. nice lady nonetheless that she 4got to print half the timetable. haha..
ta ma de...
Not posted by Shiyi around 2:11 AM
Today i went to school 4 a tour arnd. cos no hosts(ogl) called me b4 this thing(god damnit), i have to be in sch 45min earlier. but when i arrived there, there is a HUGE gathering of ppl there waiting to be organised into grps. most of the faculties r sci,math and commerce with architecture accounting to only a tip of an iceberg.
And so, i joined this gorgeous host, melissa's grp. kekeke.. in this grp there are 8msians whom xferred from taylor uni in KL to have their 3rd yr, 2 japanese speaking girls whom oso speaks beautiful english, so i assume they r from japan. 1 girl from finland. 1 super beautiful girl from the ctryside of aus and another native girl who is DAMN tall. a hk guy,michael(not machael-learns-to-rock but rather machael-learns-architecture), and a sole sgrean called david. im sure i saw him disappear once or twice and pigeons and rabbits seems to hop out of his sleeves now and then... amazing....
So we took a walk arnd the school while we each admire the beauty of the school and of the host and the trees and flowers and the host and the stalls and the autumn trees and the host. sadly the msians and the sgrean r both gg to be in yr3 and yr2 respectively so generally the only fren i made today is michael-learns-architecture. the supposedly from japan, japanese speaking girls r oso here to stay along with a million angmohs who all looks the same.
It has also be brought to my knowledge that we can take a language elective when we r in yr2. like the pretty host 4 example, she took japanese and thus went there to work in tokyo 4 a period of time as her working experience. so cool! cos if we r employed in a local firm and is appointed to overseas to work 4 ur lang. abilities u got paid by both sides!!! im so gg to learn either jap,kor,italian or french man.. probably french..
Tml is CCA openhse and a Dean's welcome section which i see as a Dean guy delivering a speech to new students. i hope i dun have to end up joining things like chess club or chi publication club man.. but then agn, i saw this brochure abt ccas, then the girls in publication club r all reasonably attractive! i hope the photos r of recent origin and is reliable as a reference source man..
Not posted by Shiyi around 7:07 PM
beachside and cityview
Today i went to the beach. it is really really really really really v.v.v.v.nice!!! wakaka.. the view of the scenery is gd, the view of the ppl there is better! the sky is clear, the water is super clear with red jellyfishes, and probably fatally poisonous, and blue fishes lazing arnd.. there are also many seagulls arnd whom r oblivious to human beings and oso laze arnd in the sea tgt with ppl. this place makes everything lazy i think. haha.. and the sea is really LIMITLESS. cannot see the end de leh, and many ppl speed boating in the far distance and oso privately owned yachets out at sea viewing sharks battling whales. overall the place is filled with joy,the blue ocean,rather cheap drinks at arnd 3dollars and smth that probably wun be seen in sg.. kekekeke.. if u get what i mean.. this is gg to be my new hangout place after sch everyday man.. WAHAHAHAHAHA..

then more city views,

on this bridge theres all the diff ctries that have citizens here.
found sg, and there r 7815 in victoria alone!! alot sia.
ok im gg off to the academic orientation liao.. the word academic shld suggest how nice its gg to be ba.. hai..
Not posted by Shiyi around 2:00 AM
What greater idea is there other than having a good game of 'speed' with ur relatives and frens on CNY??? for ppl like me who is born a loner though, i can only play with with the computer. :( but pls dun stop urselves from enjoying a game or 2 online too. last of all HAPPY CHINESE NEW YR PPL!
Not posted by Shiyi around 2:15 AM
Went to briefing today. the whole lec hall is packed with asians man.. maybe only a handful of westerners in the front, probably British or scottish.
I cant tell u how boring the briefing was but it can be compared almost perfectly to a physics lecture at JJ. no aircon(supposedly spoil but we all know if guest of honors r present it will gladly let out strong gusts of wind).and it has a terribly boring atmosphere with ppl laughing at the tiniest jokes.
Well theres this 2guys behind me in which one is from KL and the other from Singapore. the KL guy was apparently struggling with english while the sgrean was having a mouthful of singlish. then the KL guy buay tahan ask him can speak chinese anot the sgrean still dare to say dunno. he make sure he really dunno ah, if he's a potato or banana i'll gg to skin him alive man.. right at the start i wan to join in their not so interesting convo abt trams and buses and then suddenly a strong mixture of perspiration and smelly feet scent floats into my nose. i turned arnd and WAH SEH, the sgreans' MEGAfeet was 15cm away from my faultless face!! i turned arnd only to hear a head banging into the wall sound. the girl beside me had fell dead from boredom.....
And have i mentioned the amt of ppl here that r literally crazy?? when the weather is cool and calm no one jogged one leh.. then theres this 38degrees day, the park is FLOODED with ppl playing soccer,cricket(i alw cannot see the ball) and jogging. wah really wan to action how fit they r man.. haha.. then another day it was arnd 16degrees with strong wind and rain and i walked past no less than 3 grps of ppl furiously jogging. Not to mention the no. of ppl who dun wear shirts arnd here man.. everytime look inside ppl's car can see the driver's tummy. and the other day the city was having a massive carnival then when the tram drove by, in big block letters, MELBOURNE GAY AND LESBIAN CARNIVAL. wah kao @_@
Not posted by Shiyi around 10:03 PM
orientation tml
God damnit, my internet sucks. theres arnd 100isps here, most unheard of and if u read the existing one's brochures, they'll say more info on haha if im looking 4 a internet service apparently i cant go online in the 1st place right.. so eliminating the stupid isps that only advertise online, the only 2 left are the biggest shots arnd, giving them pretty of chance to provide crap services at extremely laughable prices. and so, being innocently foolish, i subscribed to a spr-fast dial-up with a promising 8mbps spd. but last i checked, it was loading at 2kb/s. oh god, save me from this misery!!!
Oh shit, tml's orientation. i better practice my english overnight and be well-behaved and mannered tml man.. the self intro part is scary. "hi, im shiyi, i came from sg to here. i was in table tennis." HAHAHAHA.. that definitely will fail to impress.
And oh ya.. not to late to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! valentine is one of the hardest to spell words arnd next to definite. too many vowels!!
Not posted by Shiyi around 3:12 AM
oh no
Oh no!!! i just discovered smth terrible which is that i can only take the test 4 a driver license 6mth from now!! just becos im under 25. what a strange rule man.. by then i may 4get all the theories which is alr not v.adhered to my brain! there goes my dream of getting a 2nd hand under 1k car in 3mth man.. damn!
Also im so glad i brought along my S$158 Saucony shoes man.. Aus roads is really dangerous and NEVER straight. not only r hills and slopes everywhere, the roads oso tilt sideways. so say u r walking up a 89degrees slope pavement, the pavement oso slants to the right. so u r not careful and slip, u not only roll backwards down the hill, u oso simultaneously roll to the right only to be devoured by a nonchalant traffic of toyota-es,mitsubishi-es and mazda-es. that will definitely be miserable.
I'm oso puzzled almost uselessly by the serious lack of ants in the house! i mean ants r everywhere like as usual but there r none in the hse!! this is worrying, what if domestic ants r extinct??? ohhh... the terror. spiders though are overpopulated and apparently overgrown.
Not posted by Shiyi around 12:00 AM
melb uni
Went to melb uni today to apply a student pass but they say cannot yet cos its too early. so my days of expensive transport is not limited as of yet. oh.. and here transforming to ez-link style transport too. abt time man.. the current system is enough to make a harvard wonder.
I'm getting scared of the uni now. rumours r rife that its much easier to go into a uni now but harder to come out. i initially thought the sch is some sort of giant maze thats y until i realize they meant the test results!! means i still have to work super hard in case im kicked outta the sch. oh.. the cruel world..
I oso find that international students in melb all look v.matured and knowledgeable looking. altho their eng sucks they talks as confidently as anything. when i ask qn i bow my head, flush and choke on my own words while they recite tang dynasty poems and quote words of unknown famous man and woman. i am truly dazzled by the confidence lvl chinese and indian educators inculcate into the students nowadays. the days of maoism is truly over...
Not posted by Shiyi around 8:44 PM
metal slug
METAL SLUG!!! enjoy... move
throw grenade
mouse to aim and shoot
Not posted by Shiyi around 11:57 PM
YAYYYYY!!! A learner's permit issued by Vicroads!! woohoo.. thats right! i have passed my theory and can now learn driving which actually starts next monday!! imagine the thrill of getting to drive and maybe even own a car in no time at all! definately a v.explosive and sensational feeling! yeepee..
Not posted by Shiyi around 11:11 PM
hse viewing
went arnd house viewing recently.. so expensive sia the houses recently.. a good estate costs arnd 800000 and must pay full within 60/90 days.. somemore we dun have a car and public transport is so ex that daily concessions are anrd $8-9. furthurmore we dunno our way arnd, and inspection hours are limited and all clustered arnd a certain timeslots in a hundred diff places. so one day can only view 2-3. most impt-ly is the sheer size of the ctry!!! just to prove what i mean..
WAOH! now i live at the green arrow place.
Not posted by Shiyi around 7:00 PM