I guess i'll put the rest of the canberra trips' descriptions on hold. HAHAHAHA.. ok, so now, recent happenings..
School have restarted and its pretty ok i guess.. less lessons than term one and everyday's like a breeze.. made some news frens here and there and oh, im joining Wing Chun Kuen classes!!! thats the martial art that Bruce Lee practiced! and the grand master of this particular branch im gg to is actually a big deal. his name is William Cheung and google searches can produce many results of him. He's the world record holder of hitting 8.3punches/second (Siao bo?), and he oso intimate frens with Bruce lee. check out his wiki, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Cheung. kekekekekeke.. And oh ya.. my sch's got a Wiki too! v.cool i reckon, can upload anything, edit things, share workpieces with the school.. hmm...
There was a hail the other day, never see b4 leh! ice cubes dropping instead of rain. okok not exactly cubes, i nv measure all 3sides to make sure they r the same cos u know, they r like melting in my hands? kekeke..
And there's a rat in my hse!!! ahhhhhhhh scary. how it got in is one of nature's greatest mysteries. but its common here hor! dun say my hse dirty.. haha.. so bought this rat poison and shattered it arnd the hse. then the night after i put can hear the mouse eating it leh. 2nd night, can hear a lil, 3rd night no sound le. WAHAHAHAHA... ok la, actually feel v.sad for the mouse cos its v.small and cute leh.. haha.. too bad its grey, means it'll grow big and ugly with long mostache. Le disgusting~~~
I bought a binder! u know those math notes we used to have and so very adored? now i can make binded notes and best yet, the binder's onli $25, normally its sound for at least $100+!!! its so cheap cos its return good. the return good policy here rocks man.. buy what can juz return within a few days and the shop must give u ur $ back.. kekekeke.....

And.......... i got a new phone!!! LG Shine!!!

Gotta work hard this sem man.. get 70% average next yr got chance go Germany exchange programme. oh~~ how much i loved Germany. one of my fav. ctries!!!! hope shops dun close at 5 there. hahahaha. update more next time.
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