Woohoo!!! bought a pingpong and a pool table!!! now my hse is officially an arcade. any1 know where to get 2nd hand drum arcade sets? ok before any1 gets the wrong idea that im damn rich, the ping pong table is $99 while the pool table is just $149.. hahaha.. cheap right? left!
My model of the house which i showed u guys (if any1 even cared) only got a just passed mark leh.. grrrl... our tutor everytime onli give pass each time. but his name is gerard. captain of the England team, so what'd'u expect.. :S
So glad that i dun have to redo my essay cos of wrong bibliography. If i do i'll probably kill ah hao or someone to ease my anger.
Played bball today.
me:"hey ah hao, come play bball?"
ah hao:"ok!!!"
1hr later then he reach. we just about to leave lo.. hahaha.. so many pros ah.. i go there yell "good ball!","nice shot, mate","oh~~ bad luck","what score?" only.. hahaha..
Big M very nice. So are those castles. actually thats wrong.. castles r much bigger and impt. so to rephrase, those castles are like so cool! So it Big M!
Imagine living a castle life like Akazukin Cha Cha! oh~~ so fun..

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