Earth clock
Site showing real time info-es like population growth and oil spills!
Earth Clock
Not posted by Shiyi around 3:49 AM
(Video) Stupid cleaner wiping automatic door.
HAHAHHAHAHAA... this is super dumb..
Watch it here
Not posted by Shiyi around 3:02 AM
Useless cat for sale.
=DD just kidding.. not really selling.. pics courtesy of here.
Not posted by Shiyi around 7:42 AM
William Hung death a hoax.. 3 YEARS AGO!
I came up onto www.ping.sg in the midst of my heavy workload to see what intriguing or mentally challenging stories there is and taadaa.. there it is.. the William Hung spoof .. REBORN! i dunno who started it at www.ping.sg but whoever did is truly lame~~~~ i mean the news itself is in 2003 and bringing it up again is downright insulting to urself isnt it? i mean.. urgh.. i cant even refute this crap news anymore.. just go http://www.snopes.com/music/artists/hung.aspto read abt it.. whoever that started this nonsense again go read reader's digest or smth and give william hung a break.. he rocks ok? WILLIAM HUNG!! HIP HIP HOORAY!
Ok, some quick updates of myself as Violynn points out this is turning into a news site when it's written clearly on the top "it's a blog". ha ha ha, lame. my study break officially begins and thus im totally going to break. i got 8/54 for my trial exam so that shows im actually a lil bit offtrack on my studies.. but.. hey!! the test deducts marks for wrong answers and it took 7 marks from me, GIVE IT BACK U MARK SUCKING TEST PAPER!!!
And..... hai.. i've got 2 portfolios to rush which involves a lot of designing layouts and endless adjustments by photoshop and Rhino. The last design i had was terrific lo.. but the teacher said it has Islamic characteristics.. I dun really understand Islamic architecture but still sensitivity the ppl arnd u is crucial isnt it.. so i changed it to a not so nice model and wanted to name it 'butterfly parade' but crane said it sounds dumb so the project is officially sad with no name.. :C
Oh.. Oh.. my new model is cool! Pics man!
The interior view not bad leh! im sure no 1 reading this post anymore from now onwards but anyways,

Not posted by Shiyi around 5:44 AM
16 Billion Pixels picture of 'The Last Supper' by Da Vinci on internet.
Italian tech firm HAL9000 posted 'real-size' last supper pic on their website. Out this weekend.
Not posted by Shiyi around 8:24 AM
Homosexual babies advertisement!!!
Taken from the MXNews papers of Melb, Aus, the advertisement shows a new born baby with a waistband on clearly writing in caps, the word homosexual. this is a advertisement in Italy for a campaign against stereotyping and prejudice of homosexuals and the the white word on the ad writes "Sexual orientation is not a choice".
Apparently, the talks and debates on homosexuals are so fired up nowadays, i mean even dumbledore can be gay.. so i may as well have some opinions on this issue. first of all, im alright with gays and lesbians most of the times. my fren saw 2 long haired guys kissing at a junction as they r parting.. now, thats not alright with me, and it's madly disturbing.
The campaigns promoting human equity and respect for the minority is also alright.. but using babies as advertising?????? now, thats really abit over.. and they've even got this term gayby now which is gaybaby short form. i thought it was a real word like layby on 1st sight man.. babies are so cute and innocent and its really quite inappropriate for them to appear in such ads. no wonder this ad is condemned~
Not posted by Shiyi around 4:52 AM
Do u use ur left brain or right brain more?
Its totally cool! see the dancer in this site and see whether it turns clockwise or anti, if clockwise, it means u use ur right brain more than u do left. try it!! :D
Not posted by Shiyi around 7:14 AM
KIM Hee-Seon 's wedding!
Korean actress KIM Hee-Seon (金喜善) who starred in The Myth with Jackie Chan got married with finance Park Ju-young (朴周永) on 19th of October!
Ah~ what a marriage.. Wish them a happy marriage! ^^V
Not much personal updates ah.. nth's up.. but sunday go school rush computer design hor.. the school's FULL leh!! if my hp no sound i'll take pic man.. sunday leh!!!!!!!! then everywhere got ppl.. go com lab still can no space.. *faint.
Not posted by Shiyi around 1:58 AM
Bypass signing up on forced registration sites!
Compulsory registrations are so sickening but worry no more as I have found a site that lets u bypass it! thats it, BYPASS it!! WAHAHAHAHA.. in fact, registrations are so sickening, i must write some inspirational words to get everyone excited and involved in an opportunity to evade it!
How many times were our souls scattered due to the mistrust the site placed on us by forcing us to register and writing personal info?
How many times have we got the physical impulse to assault our room mates when u cant access a site without registering?
How many times do we feel lonely and left out just because we dont have a username and a password?
Well.. "how many times" no more, cause there is a single website that scattered light on our cyber experience and easing all our pain!!
Join the revolution at
Need log in details? Find it.
Got log in details? Share it.
Remember, the power is urs! (Hope this post helps :D)
Not posted by Shiyi around 8:04 AM
Bypass signing up on forced registration sites!
Compulsory registrations are so sickening but worry no more as I have found a site that lets u bypass it! thats it, BYPASS it!! WAHAHAHAHA.. in fact, registrations are so sickening, i must write some inspirational words to get everyone excited and involved in an opportunity to evade it!
How many times were our souls scattered due to the mistrust the site placed on us by forcing us to register and writing personal info?
How many times have we got the physical impulse to assault our room mates when u cant access a site without registering?
How many times do we feel lonely and left out just because we dont have a username and a password?
Well.. "how many times" no more, cause there is a single website that scattered light on our cyber experience and easing all our pain!!
Join the revolution at
Need log in details? Find it.
Got log in details? Share it.
Remember, the power is urs! (Hope this post helps :D)
Not posted by Shiyi around 7:12 AM
damn telstra
ARGH!!!!!! accidentally deleted the last post..
In summary, Stupid lo the telemarketers in aus.. alw got them calling u leh.. then that day this Telstra guy called and offered something thats fake so if i had taken it up i will be breaching Optus's contract and die a terrible death.. monday got to return them their damn hp and letters! On hindsight, optus is apparently better, i mean look at their ad!! i'll try finding one.. "Keep the crew together" Embedding disabled by the uploader.. they've got another one with the penguins doing breakdance.. totally cool.. telstra's ad is of a comparison map showing how much more coverage they have over optus.. literally show how much they dot the aus map compared to how much optus dots it leh.. so bold advertising la.. but as professor kylie hu pointed out.. all public phones r with telstra.. totally makes sense..
Everything with penguins r cool and cute isnt it.. like the 100movies on them.. i think there's another movie with penguin theme after surf's up.. 4got the name...
Also want to introduce this page in which u can send smoke signals and other cool stuff that's in the form of google earth to ur family and frens. an example of this e-card is here . Normally it will take u 2seconds to figure out how to access the main page and create ur own exclusive e-card but for those who cant, just click here for the main page.
I want buy a new basketball leh.. boxhill sell so expensive and my hse here out of stock. sian.. And1's got a black ball isnt it? y not sold here or on their official web ah? and the mixtape 1yr never come out new ed liao.. sian..
Americans say clothes as apparel ah? sounds so gta, cool! (Y)
Not posted by Shiyi around 2:17 AM
ah~ bleach is so nice.. can keep watching man.. o well~ school is starting.. gotta go soon..
Recently my time cycle totally destroyed man.. one day i will feel slpy at 8pm while another day i'll feel v.much awake even at 3am.. then meal time oso anyhow one.. sometimes onli breakfast and dinner ,sometimes onli lunch and bread for dinner or smth.. hai.. scary..
Prison break 3 very nice man.. watch it ppl! resident evil extinction nice anot?
This origami thing is crazy man..
Unbelievable Paper Toy :) This Will - Funny bloopers are a click away
Not posted by Shiyi around 7:09 PM
Woohoo!!! bought a pingpong and a pool table!!! now my hse is officially an arcade. any1 know where to get 2nd hand drum arcade sets? ok before any1 gets the wrong idea that im damn rich, the ping pong table is $99 while the pool table is just $149.. hahaha.. cheap right? left!
My model of the house which i showed u guys (if any1 even cared) only got a just passed mark leh.. grrrl... our tutor everytime onli give pass each time. but his name is gerard. captain of the England team, so what'd'u expect.. :S
So glad that i dun have to redo my essay cos of wrong bibliography. If i do i'll probably kill ah hao or someone to ease my anger.
Played bball today.
me:"hey ah hao, come play bball?"
ah hao:"ok!!!"
1hr later then he reach. we just about to leave lo.. hahaha.. so many pros ah.. i go there yell "good ball!","nice shot, mate","oh~~ bad luck","what score?" only.. hahaha..
Big M very nice. So are those castles. actually thats wrong.. castles r much bigger and impt. so to rephrase, those castles are like so cool! So it Big M!
Imagine living a castle life like Akazukin Cha Cha! oh~~ so fun..

Not posted by Shiyi around 1:35 AM
project , hairspray
keke.. finished almost all my hw.. so blessed. last few weeks was hell man.. almost din slp for 4 days, at most doze awhile from 3-6am like that.. finally done man.. if the teacher give lousy marks i will bite their heads off.
speaking of which 7-11 pretty bad working environment leh.. u need to complete like dunno 200 hours of trial with no pay. then u have to pay them like $250 of deposit which i dunno 4 what.. they truly redefined the positions of employers and employees man..
Essay was crazy. din slp 2 nights to do it.. need reference alot leh.. borrowed arnd 20books, carry and read till die.. hai.. inhuman leh my life..
O~ watched hairspray with zw yest.. hahaha.. her return journey was crazy.. next time dun get off at wrong tram stop ah.. stupid trams........
they have this lame ad which is "Sell ur cars, take trams and save the environment." whoever heed their call need to see a doc real bad.. damn bad..
Its v.nice leh the movie and the cinema.. but i doubt they'll actually dance that much during the 60s.. whats the genre of the music they play ah? blue? jazz? dang dang dang~
and check out those crazy roads from http://static.iftk.com.br/top-5-most-dangerous-roads-of-the-world.html
Especially this one

Siao bo.. but its not how crazy it is to actually go across with this road but the ones who built it leh.. i means its a solid rock mountain, u've got to cut thru the rock, insert the foundation and the reinforcements, extend out the road, apply the wood planks... 50000 metres above sea level... impressive~~ i wonder if they have guided tours to here..
I think this building very nice leh..

Not posted by Shiyi around 12:28 AM
Woohoo!! finished essay! HAPPY BDAY SHIYING!
Woohoo!! finished essay! HAPPY BDAY SHIYING!
Not posted by Shiyi around 1:25 PM
damn essay. nostalgic
argh.. cant stand doing essay le.. come here rant abit.. haha.. woke up at 4.30 sia.. but stare into space and eat instant noodle till 6am.. and i set my alarm at 3 so effectively i wasted 3hours.. haha.. actually morning is very beautiful de leh.. with all the bird chirps and good air and when u wake up earlier than others wouldnt u feel that u r saving time? like when u look out the window and someone walk past, u can proudly yell "I WOKE UP EARLY THAN U , LOSER!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" hmm..
Waking up earlier somehow made me remember the pre-u sem seminar i dunno y.. was it at a v.early time too? couldn't remember.. anyways i put it down under my job exp.. shh.. dun tell any1 that.. teehee.. hai.. anyways missed those days man.. jc is so much more fun than uni.. i have a tendency to hate whatever im doing at the moment leh. then ah hao shared this sentiments with me and as quoted "got oso cannot save us ah.." hahaha.. he's so lame i dun dare ask him hows his assignments coming along. everytime 2sms can settle de thing will end up in like 20 cos need to crap along.. haha.. my bill was $120 last month leh.. sian leh, increasing by the month. but ok la, got free lg shine leh.. wah so shiny!
i no microsoft office leh, then later must come here use blogger check for spelling mistakes.. hahaha.. good place. and damn it man.. just onli can come online. last few days i alw come online for non-academic purposes then the net works as smooth as smoothie. then last night i went "ok, go online check info.." then tadaaaa~~~~ cant go online. so i spent 2hours to fix last night to no avail, spent 2hours getting angry over it and watch tv, then another 30minutes on calls ranting to my friend.. argumentative essays are very suitable for angmohs to write leh.. they argue and talk alot.. then since young ppl say what we do what wah.. so really cant argue till got sense man.. at most agree, disagree.. haha.. sian sia.. just agree to everything la.. hai... good weather~
Not posted by Shiyi around 1:23 PM
Holiday dedicated to hw. hai...
Just got home from school. man.. this holiday kinda suck.. go sch like 3/5 days to do this major assignment thing. luckily my groupmates are cool this time round. unlike the last time. but that doesnt make me feel holi on a holiday. the word holiday truly doesnt sound joyous and happy. maybe thats cos its not meant to be. melb uni makes sure of that. nonetheless, holiday shld take on a happier facade. for example happyday or Happy-Organic-Lively-Interesting-day! Take the 1st letters and u get HOLIday!! i shall now proceed on to read my hatemails for this lousy post.
So din really have time to blog, was rushing to sch back and forth and sadly i and kevin are truly liabilities to the team. so everytime we r like late for 15min cos amanda is alw early and once we sit down we got hungry so we just go and have smth to eat. then in the end starts 2hr after we shld. hahaha.. and amanda said at the time b4 we started that we can finish it in 10hrs at most.. haha.. overestimated our powers man.. 1week gone and nearly done onli. reminds me of this cartoon i saw the other day.
And this other day i was walking whomever to wherever to catch a tram that when inversed spells mart. then it was alr dark and she goes "lets walk faster, im scared of the dark."
"why would any1 be scared of the dark??"
"i just do. it makes me feel unsafe"
"u scared of many things leh!"
"actually it also depends on who im with in the dark"
ha, there! u see the hidden msg? it totally means 'im scared cos u r weak..' hai.. i got to go lift some weights to get puff man.. hai.. this is sad man.. y am i not strong looking like kane or smth.. is he still alive btw?
oh..oh.. and i passed my computer test for driving! so now onli have to wait for ages till the actually test on 8/11. if theres exam on the day i'll murder the teacher and murder the dj. so at this no.17th qn, the whole screen goes blank! then its actually 20odd questions de but if u fail halfway they'll just stop the test then i went "o shit.. i failed..." haha so i went to Q up la then Q,Q,Q look back then qn18 is there!!! heng sia... another girl arnd my age took the test too leh. ji chio yi xia wor~ 4got ask her how much she get sia.. we got outta the place tgt.
Not posted by Shiyi around 5:18 AM
Watced secret
Watched the jay chou new movie, secrets!
Reporter:So, Jay, want to tell us abt ur new movie? whats it called?
Reporter:Haha.. c'mon Jay, just tell us.
HA HA HA.. - -!!
Its v.nice leh, and i reckon his acting skills improved since eh.. the curse of the golden flowers. o~~ the traumatizing dresses in e show.
i go write my 3000 word essay le.. kekeke..
Not posted by Shiyi around 10:14 PM
quick updates
Quick updates. Zhangxi is gone!!! boohoohooo.. so the rain has returned. haha, cos it seems wherever she is, rain's un-present.
And i'm employed by kmart!! which is like ntuc really. but they have got no vacancies, so im employed but have no job for me yet.. hahaha.. its like dinner's ready but no bowls and utensils. does e eg. make sense? doubt so..
2week hols! good life. but so much hw. damn it. all my assignments like just pass onli leh.. damn it.. y is this so? but true enough la, my course cant really study for it so 5hrs of hardwork may be worse off than a 1min's worth of good inspiration for a design. recently is doing digital design, reckon its cool. im gg to show the good ones here.. keke..
Quite realistic nia. and i took some pics of my old rented hse, did i upload? like v.artistic leh.. keke..
On bus recently always see those disabled ppl get on bus then i'm like hai... this is life.. u may nv know what will happen to u the next min.. yest saw a movie starring Shuqi and Daniel Wu. its abt those grp of kids from China thats mad abt rock music. Daniel's a lousy rock singer from hk that somehow wondered to china hoping to find new rays of light. then as usual their new genre of music's not appreciated then one of the grp mates got killed in a car accident then the grp kinda break up with daniel heading back to hk. well it juz gets to show some kids works their ass off , not taking a break and got no love, while others will be loved and blessed just becos they r rich or good looking or smth.. hai...
Speaking of rock music, at this class we r suppose to do self intro abt ur grp mate then tell the class 'bt him/her. then this girl who's in my team just wrote 'rock' under hobbies. then im like totally blur man.. what thing rock? rock as in flintstone ah? haha.. then in the end she meant rock music. imagine really liking rocks.. eh...
Boring sia.. no place to buy cheap vcd,dvds.. then loan v.ex wor~ and dl oso cant, got usage.. my god, internet usage is so dsankjsfdu324urijdsf!!! oh.. and my tutor's from germany!! din know that.. now she's going back.. boohoohoohoo.. i oso wan go leh.. germany's sort of a wow ctry to me.. wan to go man.. got overseas courses there, but hai.. think my grades not enough..
This toaster's cool! it literally toasts ur msg on it.. woohoo.. gu gu gu.. star fish..
Not posted by Shiyi around 4:02 AM
shifted hse, ZHANGXI IS HERE!!!
o ya.. i have a blog.. A HA HA HA. last update 4/8?? my god..
ZHANGXI IS HERE!!! woohoo!!! but onli got to meet her today, went eat & k.
Oh, and i moved hse!!! but not as in i moved my hse away so that i have no hse now ah. Shift hse is more appropriate but even so, the meaning of moving ur hse away from u is still there. any1 want a intense discussions on this matter with me? h4.
Assignments, bye~~~~
Lousy post, sorry. hahaha
Not posted by Shiyi around 11:53 AM
Wingchun, AD, History
Quick updates. Went 1st ever Wing Chun Kuen lesson today!!! Ah hao was late by 45min so i killed him and went alone. nah, juz kidding, he went as well. HA! its v.fun! and the shixiongs was great! was it bad pronunciation or wat that shifu is sIfu, shidi is Sidi or smth, canto i guess. learnt some self def. and basic moves. not v.hard. trained with this serious senior that nv smiles and alw points out ur errors. haha.. damn cool, i mean in a world like this martial art practicing ppl r basically freaks but hey! we r chinese so we shld preserve chinese stuff. alr, more than 80% of the WuGuan's ppl not chinese le.. hai.. this world.
Boarded this train thats oh well.. so sharlock holmes!!
Then today went boxhill pass Rhino cd to fren. its a professional tool to make 3D stuff.. hiak hiak, gg to make a car model.. then saw x.xue there in box hill go home tgt.. heng got her ah or take bus damn sian.. haha then help her carry her 5.5kg beverages and instant noodles home(indomie is AHHHHHH~~ NICE!!! 30c per pack somemore (Y) ) and saw her oil paintings!!! so nice!!! but nah, not gg to praise her in person. hah..
Alright.. school.. Flunked arch design. kinda missed my old teacher whom the whole class hated cos he v.look down on ppl like that. but wow.. miss him ah we all. cos he v.informal, can present sitting down and joking arnd. now need pin work on board, and present like a white collar presenting charts and graphs.. then teachers' comments oso so professional and our class delay lesson by 45min. ta ma de la. and i do wrong thing. so sian, heng next week then real stuff.
My eng turning shit man.. im in ESL class! English as 2nd language. wah lao, i studying eng since 6 leh.. haha.. but ok la, the lesson's great, got give lecture overview and stuff.. lectures r shit! that day i gonna locked out! cos late by more than 5min. curses and swears!
I finished my Wiki page of my sch! like a frenster la guys. got self portraits, msn details, myspace links and etc etc. haha i think its nice.
The rat in my hse is definately dead or gone i reckon. no sound of it le. maybe it migrated away cos i put rat poison let it eat. maybe it'll write to me sometimes. hope its more happy in another place :D
Not posted by Shiyi around 6:47 AM
Recent happenings
I guess i'll put the rest of the canberra trips' descriptions on hold. HAHAHAHA.. ok, so now, recent happenings..
School have restarted and its pretty ok i guess.. less lessons than term one and everyday's like a breeze.. made some news frens here and there and oh, im joining Wing Chun Kuen classes!!! thats the martial art that Bruce Lee practiced! and the grand master of this particular branch im gg to is actually a big deal. his name is William Cheung and google searches can produce many results of him. He's the world record holder of hitting 8.3punches/second (Siao bo?), and he oso intimate frens with Bruce lee. check out his wiki, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Cheung. kekekekekeke.. And oh ya.. my sch's got a Wiki too! v.cool i reckon, can upload anything, edit things, share workpieces with the school.. hmm...
There was a hail the other day, never see b4 leh! ice cubes dropping instead of rain. okok not exactly cubes, i nv measure all 3sides to make sure they r the same cos u know, they r like melting in my hands? kekeke..
And there's a rat in my hse!!! ahhhhhhhh scary. how it got in is one of nature's greatest mysteries. but its common here hor! dun say my hse dirty.. haha.. so bought this rat poison and shattered it arnd the hse. then the night after i put can hear the mouse eating it leh. 2nd night, can hear a lil, 3rd night no sound le. WAHAHAHAHA... ok la, actually feel v.sad for the mouse cos its v.small and cute leh.. haha.. too bad its grey, means it'll grow big and ugly with long mostache. Le disgusting~~~
I bought a binder! u know those math notes we used to have and so very adored? now i can make binded notes and best yet, the binder's onli $25, normally its sound for at least $100+!!! its so cheap cos its return good. the return good policy here rocks man.. buy what can juz return within a few days and the shop must give u ur $ back.. kekekeke.....

And.......... i got a new phone!!! LG Shine!!!

Gotta work hard this sem man.. get 70% average next yr got chance go Germany exchange programme. oh~~ how much i loved Germany. one of my fav. ctries!!!! hope shops dun close at 5 there. hahahaha. update more next time.
Not posted by Shiyi around 4:01 AM
Canberra Trip 1/3
So we went to Canberra for a 3days trip. Shan't divide into 3 posts so stay with me while i write non-stop and u read non-stop then we can all bored ourselves to death.
We departed on Thursday night and reached Australian Capital Territory (ACT Canberra) the following morning. People with me are my mom and brother and a girl that i dun remember seeing or let alone knowing.. think her name is LanWei or smth, or is it Huangwei? her name's got to do with colours. cant quite rmb~ so I travelled on the 10odd hour bus with a strangely coloured girl besides me.
After we reached we were greeted with much enthusiasm from the harsh weather which is -2! my god, its cold alright.. got our luggages and soon ah Von, our tourguide happily fetched us. Ah von is a strange character that always thinks she's a msian or indian. dual citizenship i reckon. anyways before this trip whenever during phone calls when we came to the point of discussing abt the trip she'll say byebye. like this..
Me: "...(previous topic).... AHAHAHA.. ya lo ya lo.. o ya.. abt the Canberra trip..."
and this..
Me:"... so tml after we reach..."
Hmmm.. oh well.. so quite a relief she did come to fetch us and sorry so much 4 losing ur job over our arrival man.. if u want ur deserved compensations, do feel free to get them from Zhangxi ok ^^
We settled on this hotel in the heart of the city, pardon me but i 4got the name of it. its a v.cheap pay so the service and environ sucks but hey!! its cheap! and its near everywhere! so aint no dissing it, and the timetable 4 the trip can be summarized as:
Day1:War Memorial, Telstra Tower
Day2:Science Centre, Parliament houses (the S at the back is deliberate. got 2 P.hses)
Day3:Gold Creek Village and areas around it, the Lake.
The memorial's just whiter than bread man.. downright plain.. probably whats' there's not v.related to us.. so nth much to talk abt it.. on the way in i saw some interesting statues...
Honestly Canberra isnt small.. its enormous! whoever says its small must be deluded and fooled!
See that building? yeah.. the white one.. thats the parliament house, the old one.. it looks SO near! 10minutes walk i dare say.. Alright.. and so we set off, happy as can be, humming songs, enjoying the walk and taking pics..
An hour passed..................
Alright.. we r still happy ppl, we are still far from it, but we r making progress,we are making progress..
Another hour passed.....................................
*Nervous Laughter .. AH HA HA HA, "lets take a pic!" "lets hum a song!" (OH GOD, why are we still so FAR.... AWAYYYYYY!~~~~~)
Yet another hour passed................................................................................................
And so we ended up taking a bus back to city.. there u see the sheer size of the city? scary place.....
After plenty of resting and eating and drinking and toileting and walking, its time to go the Telstra tower!! woohoo.. heard so much abt it.. but hearing and being there is of cos alw diff.. theres this incident of a crazy driver which i'll go indept later... at 1st i thought its literally a mountain that u need to climb arnd 5million stairs to reach and up there theres this giant antenna thing which transmits telstra info-waves. Telstra's a telecommunication provider here, kinda like starhub,m1, bla bla bla... but NO! its a mountain with great roads that cars takes u right to the top and u can go up the tower to dine and enjoy the city view! like the tower in Tianjin.. ppl, pls visit Tianjin's tower!! its like the onli attraction of the city?? and from there u can go the YinHe guangchang!! u all have to go!

that 2 oval thing is where u can skate, or rollar blade or da taiji, then in winter time, it will be COVERED in water and naturally form ice and its A GIANT AND MAGNIFICENT ICE SKATING ARENA!! hohohoohohohohoho.. Brought you by the Board of Tourism China(TianJin).
WHO PUSH ME WHO PUSH ME??????? *living in denial of being a good photographer.
Sadly dun break into 3 posts is v.tiring.. haha.. till later guys..
Not posted by Shiyi around 10:32 PM
zw is here
Ziwei is here!!!!!!! woohoo, now the JJ alma mater club, Melbourne outlet can officially open.. hahaha...
Yesterday finally recommerce driving lessons after like forever man.. went highway, 80km/h is KUACAI! scary sia!! keep scared that gas goes off and car stops.. haha.. but still ok i guess, starting the car is still the hardest, need change gear, check for friction point then press gas while releasing brake. hmmm.. tml 9.15am lesson agn.. kekeke..
Yayyyy, when i get to Canberra i can stay at anthony's house. He's everyone's new idol in town man.. Step up v.nice!!! i hope i can dance man.. hohoho.. the lead's a white and he can dance SO well!! no diss, but most good dancers r probably black.. here the blacks oso so cool!!! with their hoodies... hohohoho.. hip-hopper wanna-be man...
Not posted by Shiyi around 9:59 PM
Great ocean road
Hmmm Hmmm, the great ocean road is just magnificent! i thought its a stretch of road with malls ah, pubs, cinemas or shops or whatsoever at the sides while the seaside with the view is besides it but NO! its not just any stretch of road its a road thats what? 500km?? nah, just a guess, but it well stretches over 3hours of ride!!! so the view outside is thus always good! then during the trip one will pass thru VAST lands of farms!! farming here strangely dun seem inferior and its just great.. green land, nice clouds, cooling air, cows and sheeps. theres so much interesting things abt the farms.
On way back right.. on many occasions can see cows queuing up to be milked, not anyhow Q up ah, its with order and discipline!! one after another, one after another, straight line somemore leh!! and i din know that theres 3 kinda cows, black-and-white patch ones r the milk bearers, brown r the for-cheese-use milk bearers, while the black cows r killed 4 meat. just amazing and even the letter box r diff. if ur letter box is that of a milk pail, u rear cows, if its a barrel, u plant grass. then one will ask "GROW GRASS 4 WAT? EVERYWHERE GOT WAH!" totally wrong man.. the grass they grow 1-2metres one, then bundle tgt is for export purposes. kinda like rolled up carpets with high grass densities. o~~ the open plains.
The road itself is amazing as said, big waves with millions of die-hard surfers. but the actual spot itself as in the 12apostles sea is unaccessible as its too stiff alr. the sand that formed the apostles is v.strange. when it touches sea water its harder than concrete, when it touches normal water or left to dry, it sandifies, if sandify is a word at all. no wonder so tall stand alone apostles wun fall la.. ok la, one fall liao..
Went with family which is good as we r separated in 2 places for most of the days le now. and this is life isnt it? relaxing and touring the world once in a while. getting close to nature, indulging in sight seeings, breath fresh air.. u know.. so nice..
And yvonne is here!!! hohohohoho.. she go craze arnd with frens to ocean road now le.. im sure she'll be amazed at the sight too man..
One point to note is that for aus, nature sights r really NATURAL! i thought like china SIA, millions of shops arnd selling merchandises and hundreds of ppl asking u need tour bo and whole place cut into sections where individual fees needs be paid to access.. here the 12apostles all those r in the wild! once a small town minutes away with 0 accompanying merchandise for sale. actually not v.good la, got sell better, as a ji nian mah... dun even have postcards too.. haha.. got a few helicopter shops there, bring u go up see see. im sure the view will be even better man.. but my mom and brother, esp my brother even vomited from the bus ride.. so nv go up the killer helicopter which will make one giddy like mad acc. to my dad. nonetheless, one shld really go to the 12apostles!!
Not posted by Shiyi around 8:03 PM